Tell Us Another! Stories That Never Grow Old by Fr. Winfrid Herbst
The companion volume to Just Stories, by the same author, Tell Us Another! Stories That Never Grow Old, is a collection of 65 little stories for the Catholic child (and adult), which captivatingly teach the truths and morals of the Faith. Stories include titles like: Bernard’s Thanksgiving Day, Grandfather’s Warning, St. Anthony Again, Something Worse Than Cannon Balls, The Little Jar of Tears, We Don’t Talk in Church, The Drops of Precious Blood, The Altar Boys of Santarem, Why Obey?, The Little Patroness of First Communicants, and ‘Of Course God is Everywhere!’ . Delightful tales sure to be loved by young and old, great listening at home and on the go, we love to listen to them on long trips with the children!
4 Hours and 31 Minutes
You can purchase Tell Us Another! Stories That Never Grow Old by Fr. Winfrid Herbst here.