Pope St. Pius X by Frances Alice Forbes
A popular and exciting short biography of one of the most influential popes in modern times. Pope St. Pius X went from poor farm boy to pope. A good student, who had high morals and was loved by all who came into contact with him, he went on to great works and needed changes in the Church during his papacy, to help the faithful face the great changes of the modern era.
As pope he condemned Modernism, allowed younger First Communions (at 7 as opposed to the previous norm of 12-14 years old) and more frequent Communion to all the faithful, reformed Church music & the Breviary, initiated the first codifying of Canon Law, and in his own words set out “to restore all things in Christ”. Not only were his works as pope remarkable, but of course his character was what led him to declaration as a saint, his love for all was truly touching. He had a special place in his heart for the “least of these”, the poorest of the poor and little children. A truly inspirational book a must read!
3 Hours and 39 Minutes.
You can purchase Pope St. Pius X by Frances Alice Forbes here.