Flowers from the Garden of Saint Francis for Every Day of the Year by St. Francis of Assisi
Writings set forth from the pen of St. Francis of Assisi, perhaps the most diverse and well-known of all Saints today, his popularity breaching the walls of both creed and culture. Flowers from the Garden of Saint Francis for Every Day of the Year contains 365 admonitions and inspirations from this great Saint and other notable Franciscans. Often written for the aid of the monks and nuns under his authority and care, they still, however, hold much wisdom easily applicable and directed towards priests, religious, and the lay person of this day. As the compiler of this work so aptly states, St. Francis “was inspired by God, six hundred years ago, to rekindle in His Church the spirit of humility, simplicity, poverty, detachment from the world, and ardent love of our crucified Redeemer.” This is the great work of our beloved Saint, and it shines through in his writings!
2 Hours and 4 Minutes.
You can purchase Flowers from the Garden of Saint Francis for Every Day of the Year by St. Francis of Assisi here.