Confessions of St. Augustine by Saint Augustine of Hippo
The timeless classic that has captivated readers for more than fifteen hundred years, Confessions of St. Augustine, tells the story of his long struggle with faith, and ultimate conversion. Starting with his early life, education, and youthful indiscretions, and following his ascent to influence as a teacher of rhetoric in Hippo, Rome, and Milan, Augustine is deeply honest about his proud and ambitious youth. In time, the dazzle of his early loves grow cold and the luster of worldly success fades, leaving him feeling the depths of inner emptiness. It was at this time that a leading to Christ and the Faith takes hold, eventually leading to conversion and the abundant flourishing of a new life. St. Augustine’s insights into human nature are incisive and relevant for the contemporary reader, a timeless classic that will persist as long as humanity continues to long for meaning in life and peace of soul.
13 hours and 38 minutes.
You can purchase Confessions of St. Augustine by Saint Augustine of Hippo here.