Come Rack Come Rope by Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson

Come Rack Come Rope is a tale of the struggles and sufferings of Catholic Recusants (Catholics who refuse to convert to the Church of England) under Queen Elizabeth I of England. In this story of deep tragedy and terror Msgr. Benson portrays the conflict between natural, tender human passion and divine love, and its heroic resolution worked out in the hearts of the two principal characters, Robin Audrey and Marjorie Manners. The two young people, only seventeen, and secretly engaged, struggle with many emotions and trials as did any faithful Catholic in that age of English History, but when they both come to the belief that God would have them give up their earthly love for each other for a deeper calling to His service, their mettle is tested, and their love is transformed into a deeper, more spiritual love as they undertake the work God calls them each to. Robin goes abroad to become a priest and returns as a covert outlaw to minister the sacraments to the recusant Catholics in his homeland. Margaret becomes the hostess of a safe-house and covert chapel from which priests may come and go in safety. Adventures abound and emotions run high in this classic tale of Catholic life in Elizabethan England.


A note to Parents: Some portions of Come Rack Come Rope are very intense and difficult to read, but integral to the story.  As the author notes in a preface, however, it is in fact an accurate description of Catholic experience at the time. Please exercise caution with the age appropriateness of this book.

14 Hours and 10 Minutes


You can purchase Come Rack Come Rope by Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson here.
